Software Developer Interview: These 10 Questions Await!

In an interview with you as a software developer, employers want to get to know your technical skills. In addition, the team-oriented processes of software development place demand on the personality of the future employee. Is he communicative? Can he get involved with other employees with whom he has to work in teams? Because the idea of ​​the programmer, who tinkers with software alone in a quiet little room, is a thing of the past.

The software developer, a social being

For this reason, the software developer asked the relevant questions in the job interview, for which he should prepare himself as best as possible in order to get his dream job. Technical expertise is just the basics. A software developer has to function as a social being in a company in order to be efficient.

The following questions could come up to software developers during an interview.

1. How do you keep up to date? Which blogs, news sites or magazines related to your work area do you know?

Companies want their employees to develop. Because this is the only way to survive in competition. After completing your training as a computer scientist, you can implement this as a software developer primarily on your own initiative. Newsletters, forums or regular reading of the relevant specialist media are used for further training.

There are very special news sources that provide information on new approaches to programming or applications. Other publications offer a broader perspective. For example, they report new things about legal framework conditions or current trends in user guidance.

  • As a software developer, you should be able to name the best-known information offers in your field in English.
  • This includes an assessment of what is particularly valuable about these information sources.
  • You could also explain why you said goodbye to one offer and now appreciate another more.

2. How would you behave if you were asked to deliver a software project on time, but you know that there are still security deficiencies?

Safety first! This is especially true in software development. If a company is too lax when it comes to security, the damage can be immense. It is not just about concrete monetary damage. Reputation and trust must also be protected. Losing them can be much more expensive in the long term.

However, a software developer is bound by instructions. He is therefore obliged to fulfill the tasks assigned to him. Therefore, in the event of a conflict, you should insist that your own concerns can be expressed and documented. This makes it clear that you have lived up to your own responsibility.

The answer to the question should be accordingly:

“I speak to the manager my concerns, require that these are clearly documented and then carry out the appropriate instructions. “

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3. Why would you like to work in our company?

There are two aspects to this question in the interview:

  • Has the software developer been thoroughly informed about the company?
  • What is his underlying motivation?

Before applying, research facts about the company: business model, customers, team, projects for software developers.

From the publicly available information you can develop a motivational matrix:

  • Which software projects for which customers or which areas of responsibility can you support with your expertise?
  • What development opportunities can the company offer you?
  • What is it looking for Companies really?

Applicants who give the impression that they are primarily looking for high monetary benefits (salary, social benefits, company car) are judged more critically. Your loyalty is in question. Because they will move faster to another company that offers better services. Innovative projects, assuming responsibility, promising tasks – such motivated employees are more likely to win the contract.

4. How would you explain the job of a software developer to someone who has no knowledge of it?

This is about empathy, an important part of teamwork: How well can an applicant empathize with his counterpart? Because in order to answer such a question, you have to take the perspective of the other. On the other hand, it includes the ability to abstract from one’s own activity, i.e. to grasp one’s own role within the process of software development.

Both skills are needed in companies to attract employees from other departments – marketing, communication, Management – to understand and to familiarize yourself with your own conditions, dependencies or possibilities. Only then can synergies be generated that serve the result.

For a good answer to this question, you can come up with different scenarios of how you would bring the profession of software developer to a craftsman or a nurse.

5. What was your most difficult task so far and how did you cope with it?

Developers of apps or desktop software are not all created equal. They are at different levels of specialization, expertise and experience. A successful software developer assesses himself realistically, knows about his abilities and his limits.

Overconfidence is taboo in a job interview, honesty is an obligation. On the other hand, the company would like to assess how a software developer strategically approaches a programming task.

  • How does he define a task?
  • How does he solve it while observing the principle of maximum efficiency?
  • How does he avoid or find mistakes?

6. Do you play computer games? What is your favorite game?

HR managers and executives would like to use such a question to get the applicant to talk more informally about themselves. They want to know who they are looking at as a person. The topics can alternatively be sports, TV series or music.

Of course, the goal is not to find applicants who have identical preferences. Therefore, one can tell freely, whereby overly extreme things that may appear morally disreputable (e.g. first-person shooter) should be avoided.

Strategy or logic games are ideal for software developers. Companies are interested in well-balanced personalities who behave in their free time in such a way that they appear freshly relaxed at work the next day, who are further educated privately or who cultivate communities.

7. How do you start a software project?

For employees who develop apps or PC software, tasks are usually carried out from outside. Clients are customers or other departments of the company.

These are not necessarily programming experts. These clients are people who have an idea of ​​what these applications should be able to do. However, when deciding on the way to get there, they rely on the expertise of the software developer.

Therefore, before starting the actual work, the first question that arises is what exactly should be achieved. The prerequisites also need to be clarified. Existing software, usable resources, budget, technical requirements – such basic information must be worked out precisely. Only then can decisions be made as to which path to take to the goal.

8. How do you test the software that you have developed?

There is a rough calculation for this question, which can be explained in more detail – the following is of course only a suggestion that you should adapt individually:

“I spend 40% of the time designing the application and programming it. I need 5% for a static check and analysis of the code. 25% is used for checking the machines and the integration of the programmed unit. Finally, 30% is used to test the basic functions and for single-user performance testing. ”

9. Technical questions in job interviews for software developers

Questions that relate to the software that the applicant is supposed to work on according to the job description are common in the interview. As a specialist, the applicant should of course have mastered this. If not, that doesn’t necessarily have to be an exclusion criterion. However, one should not try to get out of the affair with half-baked answers. It is better to fill in the gap and at the same time show ways in which one intends to close it. Nobody is perfect. But everyone should know how to get better.

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10. What are your salary expectations?

A tricky question to answer. Am I asking too much and therefore not getting the job? Am I asking too little and selling myself below my value?

Software developers are in demand in times of digitization. This is especially true if you have work experience. Nevertheless, an applicant, especially as a young professional, should beware of excessive demands.

But ultimately, the porridge is not eaten as hot as it is cooked, even with this question. Believes: The remuneration must fit into the existing salary structure in the company, both upwards and downwards.

For this reason, answers based on the previous salary are recommended:

“In my current position I receive a salary of X. The position we are discussing here means greater responsibility, which is why I believe that the pay deserves a certain increase.”

A clever answer could also go in the direction that the salary is important, but the decisive reasons for the application are more in the task itself.

“I am convinced that I can do this exciting job very well, and I am sure that this will be rewarded accordingly in this company.”

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